Juvoly V2 API Documentation
The Juvoly API provides the following general functionality:
- Speech to text (or ASR - automatic speech recognition)
- Information extraction
- Summarization and general document mapping
Most of this functionality is available using a real-time streaming WebSocket API and a request-response HTTP API.
WebSocket API
The WebSocket API allows you to:
- Publish audio blobs live as they come in
- Receive the transcript live as soon as speech is recognized
- Subscribe to information like medical codings, measurements and resources that are identified live for the transcript.
- Request a summary or general document mapping
See WebSocket API Documentation for details and examples.
The HTTP allows you to:
- Transcribe an audio file
- Request available templates for document mapping
- Generate a document/summary based on a given text
- Create a session to open a WebSocket connection
- Request a user specific API key (see next section)
See HTTP API Documentation for details and examples.
To use the API you will need to authorize using an API key.
Important notes:
- API keys are a technical way for us to identify who is connecting. API keys are never expected to be provided by end-users like medical professionals.
- Your API key is private and should not be shared with anyone outside your organization.
- Ensure that end-users are not able to extract the API key from your application if it is being executed client side.
There are two types of API keys: master and user. See details below. Both can be used for all functionality in the API. If you don’t have an API key or have questions about which model fits your use-case, you can reach out by emailing info@juvoly.nl.
Master API key
The master API key is a single API key linked to the application integrating with our API.
API usage will be billed to your organization or we need to agree on a different process to determine which of your users have a Juvoly subscription.
User API key
The user API key is a Juvoly-user specific API key. It can be requested using your Master API key and Juvoly user credentials (e-mail + password). If you’re integrating a HIS/EPD/EHR you likely first want to request a user-specific API key.
This makes sure that:
- Only users with an active Juvoly subscription can use our services from your application.
- Usage of the API will be available based on the users Juvoly subscription and there is no bill for your application.
- There is no need to manually manage which users have access to our functionality in your application.
- We can identify server side which user is performing requests. This allows us to personalize behavior for each user without your application needing to support the configuration in the user interface.
To implement this you will need to ask users for their Juvoly user credentials (e-mail + password) in your application. You can then request the user API key for that specific user. You should not need to store the Juvoly user credentials, but you will need to store the user API key per user.
As the users subscription can theoretically expire at any moment it is important to have proper error handling in case the API key starts getting rejected by our systems.
See HTTP API Documentation for information on the endpoint to request a user API key.